3 Act/27 Chapter Outline Template
Inspired by Katytastic
Click here to access the google doc and make a copy you can use. This allows you to have a brief outline in a notecard view, similar to scrivener without paying for the software. You can edit it to work for your story. For example, you could remove the second POV and/or replace it with something else (like a romantic subplot).
Scene Card Template
Inspired by Abbie Emmons
Click here to access the google doc and make a copy you can use. This allows you to have index card style scene cards. You can add as many scene cards as you want or need by copy/pasting. These will help you write each scene with focus and momentum.

Manuscript Template (A5)
Click here to access the google doc and make a copy you can use. This allows you to have Your Doc set up so you can focus on what really matters: WRITING! The page size is already set to A5 which is about the size of an actual page in a book. This will also give you a better idea of how Many pages your book will actually be.